Friday, October 11, 2013

My baby turns 1

Dear Colton,

I can’t believe you are 1.  I dreaded this day from the moment you were born.  I knew it would go too fast.  Life is soo busy, and even though I made a conscious effort to stop and just enjoy you on a regular basis, it was still too fast.  Sometimes I was so stressed about all the things I had to get done, but I made myself stop and sit on the floor with you, and play.  I love to play with you.  Your curiosity, pure joy, and determination are so fun to watch.  And your smile, Colton, gosh, your smile.  I swear that you came out smiling and haven’t stopped since.  Your smile is contagious, and not just to the people who are closest to you, but to complete strangers as well.  For a long time, you would smile at anyone, instantly.  Now, when I introduce you to someone new, you grab just a little tighter to me, but not enough that anyone else notices, and you look to me to see if I approve.  It’s usually only a matter of minutes though, and you are Mr. Social again, flirting away.  You are all boy…but I love that you take moments out of your day to come cuddle with me.  You like when I sit on the floor as you play, and every few minutes you will come over, just to check in and get a hug, and then you are off again.  I have to be honest, you are a bit of a bully, but I don’t think you mean it to be that way.  You like to smack people in the face or on top of the head, bulldoze babies over, and body slam anyone laying down – but you do it for fun and it’s almost affectionate in a way.  The love you have for your sister is something that makes my heart melt – the way that you hug her, oh – I could eat you up!  And those open mouth kisses you give me – LOL!  I shamefully admit that I was sort of sad when I found out you were a boy, but only because I loved Cali so much and I was confident that I knew how to raise a girl and that creating a bond with a girl was something that I could do easily.  But I was wrong to be sad Colton – I am sooo happy you were given to me and sooo happy that I was given the chance to experience all the joys that a stereotypical boy brings to one’s life.  And you are all of those things – active, energetic, more aggressive, antsy, loud, less dramatic, a flirt, less obedient, and a momma’s boy.   You have no fear.  I believe in the last week you have had 3 bloody lips.  You would catapult yourself right off the couch if I let you.  I knew from the moment that I told you “No” for the first time that I was in big trouble.  You let out the loudest belly laugh and almost couldn’t control yourself.  Cali on the other hand, looked me straight in the eye, her lip quivered, and then she cried as if I had told her I didn’t love her anymore and had truly hurt her feelings.  Amazing how opposite you two are!  You are a problem solver and this amazes me at your age.  Cali would whine and wait for me to teach her how to do something, you just keep going until you figure it out yourself.  I kept trying to teach you to back up when your walker ran into the wall, but you wanted nothing to do with my help and soon figured out your own way - to walk to the opposite side, and push it from there.   You love to mimic – I have never seen a baby mimic as much and as early on as you.  I swear as soon as you could hold your head up you were copying all the random things we would do.  Our all time favorite and your true trademark is “the shake”! – Oh, I giggle just thinking about it.  You are truly your father’s son – you are a goof and love to make people laugh.  On a more serious note, your dad and I found out that you had a heart condition at 6 months old.  We don’t know what the future holds for you, but we pray every day that you will have a normal life, because anything less is unfathomable to us.  You are my last baby Colton, and because of this, every “last” is difficult for me.  I nursed you to sleep on your birthday and then watched you sleep for a long time.  Those cheeks, your button nose, your long eye lashes, your wispy hair, and your ear – that left ear ;)…I love your baby face and know that my days that it will look like that (which is why I insist on so many pictures), and my days that I will be able to cradle you, are numbered.  Your daddy laughed at me that night because I cried on his shoulder for 45 minutes, but that’s me, and both of you are just going to have to learn to love that about me! ;)  I will do the same when you get on the bus for kindergarten, and the same when you walk out my door to leave for college.  But let’s not get ahead of ourselves…  I love you Colty bear, more than words can express!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mommy's Secret

While watching TV a few nights ago with Cali, a commercial for Victoria's Secret comes on. You know, the one where they are promoting sexy bras/panties while wearing angel wings and walking aimlessly with music in the background.

As I was quickly motioning to change the channel to locate some level of wholesome programming, Cali pipes in with: "Mommy?"

Of course, mommy wasn't home at the time to witness/hear this. Oh, how I wish she was. At first I chuckled at such an odd question by Cali. Why does Cali instantly think a scantily clad woman is mommy? Does mommy walk around in this attire while I am away? Does Cali believe any blonde woman is her mommy? What was I to do I respond?

Do I agree with her and allow her to think mommy (and possibly all mommy's) is a lingerie supermodel? Do I tell her no and have her cry because she is heart broken and decides to boycott Victoria's Secret forever? Ugh! Such a dilemma for a Thursday evening. Doesn't Cali understand I had a difficult enough time figuring out what to have for dinner earlier that evening?! Damn you VS, damn you!

How did I actually respond? I will have to leave that up to speculation. Let's just say Cali (and daddy) is coping with the truth.

Oh, but on a brighter note, Cali apparently thinks I resemble Terrence Howard:
 I think it's the eyes...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Who needs Cali when you are going to Cali

Our first trip without our baby girl was to LA/San Diego, CA. We went down to visit our friends, Celia & Sean, and to hang out with their 7 month old boy, Caeden. Here are some photos of what we did:


 Caeden's "pacifier" - yes, that is a soft drink cup; it was adorable

 Sleepy baby

 Big blues

 "I love physics, just like my mommy & daddy"








Oh, and John was in San Francisco a weekends ago to visit his old coworkers and to see some good friends - he jammed a lot into his trip but he only managed to come away with a few photos, here is one:

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Did we tell you the xmas tree fiasco?  We decided to go BIG since this was the first Christmas in our new home and we were ecstatic to have enough room to fit a tree larger than 3ft.  Picture a scene right out of "A Christmas Story" (the one where the kid gets bundled up so much that he can't put his arms down).  In our case, it was Cali awaking from a nap that wasn't long enough followed by being immediately shoved into too many layers and squooshed into a car seat....we only got to the end of the subdivision before we had to turn back due to our screaming toddler.  On our second attempt, we got lost, I had a coughing fit, and by the time we arrived it was almost dark.  The owner took us on a 4wheeler into the boonies where we were supposed to look at a 30ft tree from the ground and decide if the top 10ft looked good enough for him to cut down.  On the way home, our tree fell OFF my dad's trailer and we proceeded to RUN IT OVER.  When we got it home, we then had to use all our might to shove it through the sliding door and then attempt to get it in the tree stand and decorate it with a large ladder.  But don't you just LOVE real trees! :)

 This year we had a xmas cookie making day with both of our families.  Cali is more excited here by uncle Nick being goofy than the cookies, but she had lots of fun decorating for the first time.  She couldn't quite figure out how to shake the sprinkles on without jamming the shaker into the frosting each time though.  We had some PRETTY cookies this year!
 We saw this face quite a few times xmas morning!
 Baby's second xmas

 Cousins.  I'm guessing these boys are going to get my little one in some trouble in the next few years....
 The Kinsey annual cookie contest:  do you think we made enough?  The winners this year:  Dylan, Brooke, and my dad
 Kinsey xmas at Bill and Al's house
Grammie and Cali doing the newest dance move--the fist punch

I've Taught Myself to Type (although I can barely say my ABC's)...

....incredible, I know!

So here's the story.

My mommy and daddy brought me to my great-grandma's house on the lake for the Kinsey family New Year's Eve holiday weekend -- a mouth full, to say the least. Anyway, I got to hang out with my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and a bunch of other people who were all so very nice to me. We did all sorts of cool things like puzzles, read books, took naps, drank milk, had our diapers changed, ate a bunch of good food, and a bunch of outdoorsy stuff. We went on a long magical walk where 1/58th of the trip I was in a mommy-drawn sled and the rest of the time my sherpas carried me. I was sure glad when we got to the destination, a bar, where I could relax and have a drink. All in all, it was a fun trip. What can I say, people love me!
Oh, you were are going to pull this THING?

Okay, we're moving...

It's getting pretty fast...

Hold on tight...but seriously folks, I liked it. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Can you believe they carried me the entire way like this?

Me and my pops chillin' on the ice. My first time playing hockey. Aren't we cute?

And then there's these guys

The whole family, including me in the middle, on New Years Eve!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Our Angel

The perfect mix of John and I....our brown-eyed blonde.  

Friday, December 24, 2010

White Christmas!

Today, according to the local weather man, we can expect up to 2-inches of snow. This made Cheyenne a very happy "little" girl because she can now have a white Christmas. For Cali though, this meant putting on about 15 layers of clothing (boots, socks, tights, pants, overall snow pants, shirt, fleece liner, coat, hat, and mittens--not in that order...that would be absurd) because we took her outside to play in the frosty white fun.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Not too sure how we got 2 months behind again....oh yeah, we became home owners...but here's a little something to keep you going until we get one of our notoriously long catch-up entries posted.
We were slightly hopeful for Cali's meeting with Santa due to her super excited reaction to any blow-up Santa or figurine of him, etc.  However, this is the first of 20 shots the photographer took--and this is the ONLY one where she's not reaching for mama or crying :)  Daddy wanted her to wear the Packer jersey she had on that day for the picture, but mommy made her put this girly dress on...and how adorable is she!?  I can't believe how big she is.  Look how much she's grown in the last year!  And I think I know why she was smiling last year and was quick to escape this year--compare the 2 Santas!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Catch up-Part 2

Fall family photo
Daddy and Cali
Pumpkin mid-flight as Cali pushes it off the edge
At church for cousin Brody's baptism.  Can't get enough of this baby face!

 Sharing the window with cousin Parker--squealing at the puppies outside
 Cousin Brody pooped after an exciting day
 Random photo--this was the out of control bonfire we had with the Kinsey fam at the lake one night.  A friendly police officer payed us a visit--luckily, right after we finished hosing it down enough to save the tree next to it.

 The rocking horse my dad made me when I turned one--refurbished for Cali.
The Elegant Farmer!  Can't wait to live across the street from this place.
 A hayride
 A super big rocking horse!
Apple picking
 Mmmm...and not nearly as messy as the strawberry picking we did this summer.
Cali climbed right up this ladder
 The rare photo of the 2 of us :)
 Sportin' the shades