Forgetting that we had our own ocean just 15 miles from our house, Cheyenne and I traveled cross-country to Fort Lauderdale, Florida to jump on a cruise ship to view the Eastern Caribbean islands.

We joined Cheyenne's brother, Dylan, and his fiancee, Brooke in Florida to board the ship and begin our adventure. Our first stop was San Juan, Puerto Rico where we walked along the castle wall and came across a plethora of random cats. That evening we had a city tour that included a concert of Juan Carlos and his flamenco dancers. The city seemed very historical, but we were limited by time, so our tour was short.

The next stop was St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. We toured the island in a Jeep Wrangler as we stopped at possible future wedding locations for Brooke and Dylan. Along the way we made a pit-stop at a beach to take 180 engagement photos of the lovely couple. St. Thomas is a very small island and has a lot to offer, snorkeling, parasailing, and miscellaneous water sports.

The Dominican Republic was next on our agenda. Dylan and I took a tour of the country-side and experienced real life in the Dominican. We even sampled a bit of sugar cane fresh from the fields. The sugar cane is used to produce Vitamin-R, which is rum. Brooke, Cheyenne, and a few others spent the morning at a five-star resort on a lovely beach in a safe part of town. Dylan and I were in parts of town where civilians were carrying sawed-off shotguns. Let's just say, I was scared my Nikon D300 was going to get stolen, so I kept it hidden in my backpack! Needless to say, the Dominican is a very diverse place and probably not suitable for children, the elderly, middle-aged folks, small animals, adolescents, or clowns.

The last stop was Nassau, Bahamas. We strolled around the crowded local markets for a while before our snorkeling excursion. Unfortunately, it was quite chilly and very windy. But once in the water and swimming with the fishes, it was enjoyable. We spent about an hour in the water while interacting with the local aquatic life before heading back to our cruise ship for our final 14,000 calorie meal.

Upon returning to Fort Lauderdale, we decided to hit the beach and the guys rented a jet ski. Later that night, after scouring the city for a certain restaurant which apparently no longer exists and ordering delivery pizza to our hotel room, I had to walk like 3 miles to obtain Sudafed for Cheyenne. That pregnant woman owes me big time! She is so lucky to have me...right?