Friday, December 24, 2010

White Christmas!

Today, according to the local weather man, we can expect up to 2-inches of snow. This made Cheyenne a very happy "little" girl because she can now have a white Christmas. For Cali though, this meant putting on about 15 layers of clothing (boots, socks, tights, pants, overall snow pants, shirt, fleece liner, coat, hat, and mittens--not in that order...that would be absurd) because we took her outside to play in the frosty white fun.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Not too sure how we got 2 months behind again....oh yeah, we became home owners...but here's a little something to keep you going until we get one of our notoriously long catch-up entries posted.
We were slightly hopeful for Cali's meeting with Santa due to her super excited reaction to any blow-up Santa or figurine of him, etc.  However, this is the first of 20 shots the photographer took--and this is the ONLY one where she's not reaching for mama or crying :)  Daddy wanted her to wear the Packer jersey she had on that day for the picture, but mommy made her put this girly dress on...and how adorable is she!?  I can't believe how big she is.  Look how much she's grown in the last year!  And I think I know why she was smiling last year and was quick to escape this year--compare the 2 Santas!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Catch up-Part 2

Fall family photo
Daddy and Cali
Pumpkin mid-flight as Cali pushes it off the edge
At church for cousin Brody's baptism.  Can't get enough of this baby face!

 Sharing the window with cousin Parker--squealing at the puppies outside
 Cousin Brody pooped after an exciting day
 Random photo--this was the out of control bonfire we had with the Kinsey fam at the lake one night.  A friendly police officer payed us a visit--luckily, right after we finished hosing it down enough to save the tree next to it.

 The rocking horse my dad made me when I turned one--refurbished for Cali.
The Elegant Farmer!  Can't wait to live across the street from this place.
 A hayride
 A super big rocking horse!
Apple picking
 Mmmm...and not nearly as messy as the strawberry picking we did this summer.
Cali climbed right up this ladder
 The rare photo of the 2 of us :)
 Sportin' the shades

Friday, October 15, 2010

Catch up again

 The first of two installments of me trying to play catch up... And I skipped 2 major events this summer--our trip to CA for Kristen's wedding and Disneyland, and my UWP reunion (those pics are on my facebook page).  And these are in no particular order...hey, you're lucky i even got going on this again :)

Mommy finally bought Cali a rocker.  Don't get to rock her to sleep in it, but we can snuggle and read.  
Grammie's rocker.  Cali is thrilled after realizing she can crawl up there on her own!  Then she gets it going and says "Raa Raa" (misses the second syllable of most words)
Mom, this rock is HEAVY! 
Riding on the train at the zoo with Daddy's work friends for Zoo A La Carte
The Fall Festival up north--Cali disappointed her ball didn't reach the pins...
but super excited to find this treasure at the rummage stand!
Meeting cousin Brody for the first time.  After frantically trying to crawl over him and get into mommy's lap at first, she finally decided she would share mommy and kiss the baby.
Mommy's UWP friends and their babies
Here's Cali about to tell you what a cow says at the WI State Fair
Driving the boat with Grandpa
Cali's first official fort
Cali going down the slide by herself!
Pulling pony all around the house
 Does this go around your neck mommy?
 Cali's response to "Ready to go Bu-bye?"--she grabs my purse and heads for the door.
 Sandbox fun with Grammie
One of Cali's favorite activities--picking "tatos" with Grammie.  Then she eats the small end and throws the rest.
 Look Uncle Dylan--the leaves are changing colors!
 Doesn't she look so tiny here??!  The backyard is the one time she could care less where Mommy is--she's off on an adventure.
A nature walk

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Conversation Mystery with John & Cheyenne

The following are actual events that transpired on the evening of September 15, 2010:

SCENARIO: John gets home with Cali around 5pm and entertains her, with the help of Grammy Strube, while he makes dinner. Cheyenne arrives home at 6pm and we eat shortly thereafter. We finish eating dinner (salad, spaghetti, and garlic toast) and it's time for cleanup...

I am leaving out certain details to make it more interesting for the following guessing game:

John: "hey Cheyenne, you're in charge of dishes since I made dinner," as he rinses off some dishes.

Cheyenne: "ugh, John, all I have done since I have been home is ___________. I am ___________," she says with disgust at the idea.

Now for the fun part, can you guess what Cheyenne ACTUALLY said?!?!?

a. eat, stuffed
b. entertain Cali, exhausted
c. clean, sleepy
d. help you, fed up
e. sit, going for a walk

First one to correctly answer will be considered Cheyenne's true BFF forever ;)**

Good luck!

**I technically answered first (in my head) so I am her true BFF -- sorry suckas!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Pants on the Ground

Funny story...I was visiting my future house today to see what the contractors had worked on. Now, keep in mind, I am not legally allowed to be on-site because we don't "own the house" yet; but seriously, what home owner isn't going to go check out the progress!? Anyhow, while I was trespassing, I hear a truck roll up into the driveway--it's a contractor, so needless to say, I gotta get out of the house. I run down to the front door but I see the truck is parked in the driveway so my only other option, after evaluating if I (a) should dive through an open window, (b) jump into the dark, grungy basement and hide until they leave, (c) invent some sort of elaborate story/lie to tell them, (d) pick up a 2x4 and render them unconscious so I can make my escape, is to run out the back sliding glass door, which has a 3-4' drop off into our muddy backyard. Since it's my only logical option, I make the jump, land safely and run over to the neighbors yard (the Zieglers).

CRAP! I somehow lost my work cell phone in my hasty get-away. I back track my steps and eventually find it in the mud/dirt in my future yard. But heading back into the neighbors yard, I had to jump back over the erosion fencing. In doing so, I fell flat on my face, into the mud and long grass and ended up with grass stains and mud all over my work clothes. AWESOME! Thankfully, my sweet future neighbor, Michelle, had some stain stick for me. She asked me, while winking at me, to take off my pants and stay a while as she washed them, but I had to go pick up my daughter from daycare--what a fun neighbor ;)

The last sentence, may in fact, be false and/or an exaggeration of the truth.

Pants update: after a cycle in the washer they came out clean!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

1st Birthday Party

Rewinding one more time...
Pretty in purple

Oooo...cupcakes galore!
I'll touch it...but don't think I'm going to eat it.
Daddy: "Cali, this is gonna be sooo cute"
Cali: "Maybe on you daddy, but not on ME!"
The group gathers for...
Silly uncle John
Silly Parker
Trying on new shoes from Grammie
I'm so pretty!!
New toys!
And even better, the wrapping!
Hey, give that back!
Brooke, Jenni, and Jacob