We told Cali it would be COLD in WI...

and this was her reaction.

So we promised we'd take her to see some green stuff and warm her up...and took her to the Milwaukee domes.

She loved the train exhibit and felt right at home as the train passed the model Golden Gate bridge.

She's learned how to blow raspberries and sometimes even blows bubbles!

Cali also LOVED my parents' and Dylan/Brooke's dogs

Luckily they tolerated her,

as long as we threw them some dummies every once and awhile.

Cali learned how to clap (with open hands) during our stay.


She visited with lots of family and friends:

Great Grandma Strube

Uncle Nick (& aunt Katie)

BFF Aveya

Cousin Parker

"Big bro" Andrew

Future father-in-law, Trent, and husband, Noah

Won't this be cute at their wedding slideshow?
Jenni and her 1-week old, Jacob!

Another 4 generation shot. We're hoping great-grandma Kinsey finally gets her blonde/brown eyed girl with Cali!
**We saw lots of other family and friends too, including a couple UWP friends, Madison friend Kellee, and a bunch of people at my mom's bday bash/celebration of the house remodel, where my cousin Russell's reggae band played--hoping to get pictures of that from others!**
Cali did GREAT with all the new people--by the end of our 2.5 week stay, anyone could take her! Considering the new environment, lack of schedule, and time change, she did great overall. Only problem was when she learned how to stand in her crib--didn't bode well for nighttime sleeping.
Cali's first snowfall...

And here's a photo shoot we did while bored one day (everyone was at work)

What a ridiculous outfit huh?

I call it her baby "Fame" outfit


Cali also learned to crawl while in WI--here are some of her first attempts

The plank as us PTs call it--great abs Cali!

oops, didn't get too far here.

Daddy and Grandpa Heltemes playing "let's hit Cali in the head with a balloon game"--I'll let you guess who made that one up.
Cheesy face!

Oooo the anticipation!