Friday, December 24, 2010

White Christmas!

Today, according to the local weather man, we can expect up to 2-inches of snow. This made Cheyenne a very happy "little" girl because she can now have a white Christmas. For Cali though, this meant putting on about 15 layers of clothing (boots, socks, tights, pants, overall snow pants, shirt, fleece liner, coat, hat, and mittens--not in that order...that would be absurd) because we took her outside to play in the frosty white fun.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Not too sure how we got 2 months behind again....oh yeah, we became home owners...but here's a little something to keep you going until we get one of our notoriously long catch-up entries posted.
We were slightly hopeful for Cali's meeting with Santa due to her super excited reaction to any blow-up Santa or figurine of him, etc.  However, this is the first of 20 shots the photographer took--and this is the ONLY one where she's not reaching for mama or crying :)  Daddy wanted her to wear the Packer jersey she had on that day for the picture, but mommy made her put this girly dress on...and how adorable is she!?  I can't believe how big she is.  Look how much she's grown in the last year!  And I think I know why she was smiling last year and was quick to escape this year--compare the 2 Santas!!