Monday, July 7, 2008

Celtic Festival

Here's John, thrilled to be doing "girl" things with Celia and I this weekend--shopping and attending a poorly done rendition of the musical "Evita" at Carmel's outdoor local theater. We gave him little hair clips to make him feel like he fit in, but for some reason this didn't help! :) 

In order to make John believe it was ok for men to look like girls sometimes, we then took him to the Celtic festival full of men in skirts, i mean kilts.  

Here I am eating a yummy pastie--kinda like a pot pie turnover.
And a picture from a fun sheepdog herding demonstration.

Check out this video to get a good feel for the festival--bagpipes amaze me!

After enough meat and potatoes at the festival, we grabbed some seafood at a restaurant walking distance from Celia's place.  Celia and I had some great Crab ravioli...any guesses as to what John ate?  :)

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