Sunday, August 10, 2008


I'm back from my hiatus...i got mad at the computer one day because it wouldn't download my pictures, but we're friends here's what we've been up to the past few weekends.  I apologize to those who are friends with both Cecelia and can skim if you want...

1st weekend:

Another girls weekend in Monterey...Celia and I had sushi for dinner (a treat we get to enjoy when our boys aren't around) and then joined Celia's friend Andy for the Will Smith movie, Hanncock--an entertaining movie if you haven't seen it.  The next day we hopped the $4.50 shuttle bus, the "Grapevine Express" for a Carmel Valley wine tour.  4 wineries later we were glad to be taking the shuttle home.  Here's one of our "teachers" who put up with our lack of knowledge!  :)
2nd weekend:

John and I finally decided to take advantage of our apartment's top floor social area and throw a poker party for John's co-workers.  So we rented it out (1/2 indoor, 1/2 outdoor) and had a BBQ pot-luck and played a little poker.   We gave Celia, the rookie, a quick run down on the rules, and guess who beat us both?!  :)  

After a great breakfast out the next AM, we walked around our neighbor town's festival.  And that evening, Celia and I made a picnic dinner and took in the musical, Pericles, at San Mateo's "Shakespeare in the Park"
3rd weekend:

Well, before the weekend, John's company had one of their "offsites"--they basically take the day off and go do something fun together, fully paid for by Genentech, in addition to getting paid that day..I know, rough.  This time they took a Bay cruise in San Francisco.
John stayed home over the weekend again to go to a co-worker's birthday party and go to his hockey game.  I joined Celia in Monterey.  Saturday night her friend Andy treated us to free wine tasting at a place in Cannery Row right on the waterfront where he is a member.  When we asked the guy serving us the wine where he would recommend eating, he recommended a sushi place, so we were off for more sushi!  

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Seriously- how jealous are you two (and by you two- I mean Chey and Celia of course) trying to make me?! You're drinking- which I can't do right now- you're eating sushi- another no-no for me- AND you're together. Geez. I think the two of you BOTH need to plan a visit together to see ME- your swollen pregnant friend. I mean have either one of you ever FELT my kid kick yet? No- so get your sushi tushies over here.