After many many hours and lots of hard work by John, his annual hockey event went off without a hitch. The two Genentech teams played each other at the San Jose Sharks rink (John's team won), then we all got to ice skate on the ice, and then that night we all attended the Sharks game (which was won in overtime!)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Hockey & Corn Maze
Sunday, October 19, 2008
9 week ultrasound!
Here's baby Heltemes looking a little more human like! Mom got to see his/her little arms and legs moving, it's heartbeat, and him/her put it's hand/thumb in it's mouth (with a little imaginative help from the doctor) :) The doctor said everything looks great. Mom has had morning sickness almost daily for the past few weeks, but has realized eating makes her feel better (and only yummy bad-for-you-food sounds good)...sooo...she's feeling like she looks about 4 months pregnant instead of 2 1/2. It seems to be lessening in the past few days though, so hopefully the binge eating will be less needed soon. And yes, she's feeling tired all the time, but doesn't know if that's just being pregnant, or the fact that finding out she was pregnant happened to coincide with an 8 week intern starting at work (who will be done this week-yay!), and starting a night class 2x/week (which doesn't end until mid-Dec). She's managing to not slow down too much though...we'll post pics from her Kinsey Girls trip and events from this past weekend soon.

Monday, October 6, 2008
Fall Arrives
This Saturday, John and I went to the Tony winner for "Best Musical" in 2007, "Spring Awakening"--a show that "celebrates the unforgettable journey from youth to adulthood with power, a poignancy, and a passion you will never forget--a groundbreaking fusion of morality, sexuality, and rock 'n roll." A great show, but not one you want to take your young kids to.
That evening we went to the 25th wedding anniversary reception of one of John's co-workers. The bride and groom are both Hawaiian, so the best part was an hour long show of hula dancers of all ages, including John's co-worker. (we didn't bring our camera, but when we get one from a friend, we'll try and post it)

Sunday, John played his championship hockey game of the quarter, but lost unfortunately. I went down to Monterey to hang out with Celia and Sean and to meet their 2 kitties (Sean brought them from FL when he moved a couple weeks ago). One of them, Lily, and I became very close--I think Celia has pictures she may post on her blog... Celia, Sean and I checked out a new theatre (to us anyway) in Carmel to see a Shakespeare show we had never heard of, "Troilus and Cressida"--the show/plot didn't thrill me, but the theatre was neat...the stage was a small circle and there were only 3 rows of seats for the audience that circled the stage, so it was an up close and personal performance.
That night we went out to dinner and shared a "Tapa" style meal and then went back to the apartment where the fall season inspired us to carve pumpkins and make carmel apples. For not having done this in a few years, I say we did ok!
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