Here's baby Heltemes looking a little more human like! Mom got to see his/her little arms and legs moving, it's heartbeat, and him/her put it's hand/thumb in it's mouth (with a little imaginative help from the doctor) :) The doctor said everything looks great. Mom has had morning sickness almost daily for the past few weeks, but has realized eating makes her feel better (and only yummy bad-for-you-food sounds good)...sooo...she's feeling like she looks about 4 months pregnant instead of 2 1/2. It seems to be lessening in the past few days though, so hopefully the binge eating will be less needed soon. And yes, she's feeling tired all the time, but doesn't know if that's just being pregnant, or the fact that finding out she was pregnant happened to coincide with an 8 week intern starting at work (who will be done this week-yay!), and starting a night class 2x/week (which doesn't end until mid-Dec). She's managing to not slow down too much though...we'll post pics from her Kinsey Girls trip and events from this past weekend soon.

1 comment:
It's amazing how I know EXACTLY what I'm looking at in my own ultrasounds, but when I look at other people's, I have no clue. I think the baby looks like a girl though. :o)
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