Friday night we joined a couple of John's co-workers for a comedy show in San Francisco--you may have seen Jim Gaffigan on Comedy Central--very funny guy.

Sunday, I went to a baby shower of a co-worker and oohh'd and aahh'd at all the adorable baby stuff. Then on Monday, John and I got to see our little one on ultrasound again (for genetic screening purposes). At first the technician wasn't showing me the screen because she was taking a bunch of measurements and needed to type, etc...but I got to watch John's face light up as he saw it appear on the screen, when she zoomed in on the heartbeat, or the face. (He missed the second ultrasound I had, so he hadn't seen it since it was a millimeter blob) Then the tech turned the screen and the baby must have been sleeping or something because it wasn't moving much, so she had me roll side to side and suddenly the baby was doing somersaults and waving it's hands and feet around. Very cute. We had a regular doctor appointment later that day and got to actually
hear the baby's heartbeat. John's face REALLY lit up at that appointment because the doctor told me I was near anemic and needed to eat more iron or red meat--the idea of steak and cheeseburgers had John smiling! We saw awesome visuals of the baby this time, but the pictures she took weren't that great...but you can tell it's definitely getting bigger and more baby like! 13 weeks...

And depending on how you voted a few months ago, you'll either hate or love this decision...but I finally chopped my hair! I had enough to donate it for cancer again, so that was cool. And although it takes some getting used to, it feels lighter and I like that it has more body when it's shorter. I can't style it like he did though, so this picture is about the best it'll ever look :)
Your hair looks great!
I love your hair! It'll still be longer than mine in two weeks. Yay for your baby. He/She has a great profile. :o)
Your hair looks Great, and what a great cause!
You and baby look very cute!
Any ideas for this weekend?? Six Flags, Circle Theater?
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