Thursday, September 25, 2008

Our Little Miracle

That's right....we're PREGNANT!!!

For those of you who don't know, Cheyenne had some fertility issues (or so she thought) due to episodes of ruptured ovarian cysts and subsequent pelvic/tubal adhesions and for the past 14 years has wondered if she'd ever be able to have her own children.  After a few months of diligently charting her cycle, a dye test to see how blocked the tubes were, and lots of praying and hoping, we decided to start trying.  

We're calling him/her our "little miracle" because after all of that, Cheyenne got pregnant on the very first try!  Cheyenne got the first positive pregnancy test on 9/7, the morning we were going out of town for our anniversary.  After blinking about 50 times to make sure she wasn't seeing things (the line was very faint), she ran out to the store while John was in the shower and bought a baby name book and a little baby outfit to put in a bag with the pregnancy test for John's "anniversary" gift.  :)  Then it was a waiting game for a couple weeks, but after an ultrasound yesterday to confirm he/she was growing in the right place, it's official!  We are thrilled.  So I guess we have officially jumped on the baby bandwagon.  

Cheyenne is 6.5 weeks pregnant, which for those of you who haven't entered this world yet, means that the baby is 4.5 weeks old.  It's only 3mm long and still has a tail, but it has a heartbeat, which we got to see on the ultrasound.  In the picture, you'll see a dark circle, and the tiny little dot in the middle of that is the baby.  The estimated arrival of baby Heltemes will be May 18th.  So yes, he/she will be born in CA, but we plan on bringing him/her home to WI permanently next October.  Watch for the 1 year countdown for moving to appear soon!  We know there is good reason not to share the news until the first trimester is over, but neither of us is good at keeping secrets, so please keep our little one in your thoughts and prayers!

Here are the ultrasound photos:


Anonymous said...

congrats you guys! that's fantastic news.

Patrick and Betsy said...

SWEET ENOLA GAY! Congratulations!
I was expecting to see a post about your trip to Wisconsin so this was a real shock. I just got goosebumps I'm so happy for you two! YAY BABIES!!!

Michelle said...

You two- I've said it before- and I'll say it again- I am seriously GIDDY over you two being pregnant! All of us girls are going to get to watch our kids grow up together! I can't even wait for the playdates to begin! And Cheyenne- your little peanut is adorable. :o) I love you all three of you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Evan and I are really happy for you and John. We will be thinking of you as you progress through each trimester. :)