Monday, October 6, 2008

Fall Arrives

This Saturday, John and I went to the Tony winner for "Best Musical" in 2007, "Spring Awakening"--a show that "celebrates the unforgettable journey from youth to adulthood with power, a poignancy, and a passion you will never forget--a groundbreaking fusion of morality, sexuality, and rock 'n roll."  A great show, but not one you want to take your young kids to.  

That evening we went to the 25th wedding anniversary reception of one of John's co-workers.  The bride and groom are both Hawaiian, so the best part was an hour long show of hula dancers of all ages, including John's co-worker. (we didn't bring our camera, but when we get one from a friend, we'll try and post it)

Sunday, John played his championship hockey game of the quarter, but lost unfortunately.  I went down to Monterey to hang out with Celia and Sean and to meet their 2 kitties (Sean brought them from FL when he moved a couple weeks ago).  One of them, Lily, and I became very close--I think Celia has pictures she may post on her blog...  Celia, Sean and I checked out a new theatre (to us anyway) in Carmel to see a Shakespeare show we had never heard of, "Troilus and Cressida"--the show/plot didn't thrill me, but the theatre was neat...the stage was a small circle and there were only 3 rows of seats for the audience that circled the stage, so it was an up close and personal performance.  

That night we went out to dinner and shared a "Tapa" style meal and then went back to the apartment where the fall season inspired us to carve pumpkins and make carmel apples.  For not having done this in a few years, I say we did ok!  


Patrick and Betsy said...

Spring Awakening is the best. show. ever. I loved it. Though the boobies and swearing made it a little uncomfortable to see with our older friends.

Michelle said...

Cool pumpkins. With all this baby excitement- I forgot we need to do that with Andrew this year! He has a costume- I thought of that at least! And with our warm weather- I'm starting to wish I had bought Aveya the Tinkerbell costume instead of the butterfly snowsuit! There may be a return in my future.