We had a nice 4 days with my parents...which mostly consisted of waiting...and waiting. My mom was positive I was going to have the baby early, as she had me two weeks early. No such luck. We even walked 2 miles/day on the Bay trail or at a nearby lake, but nothing happened. So we cooked, went out to dinner, started freezing meals for later, etc.
I'm not sure what I'm wishing for now...if the baby comes this week, my parents will miss the birth while they're in Hawaii...but if the baby waits until they get back on the 20th, it'll mean I'm late! I guess I don't have a choice anyway...so we shall see.

One night we took my parents out to the CA Academy of Sciences museum for their "nightlife" event. Here are a few of the things we saw....

The albino alligator was back from sick leave--we had missed him at our last visit.

Can you find the creature in this picture? Hint: it looks sorta like a sea horse.

My parents left Sat. afternoon, and Celia and Sean showed up an hour later for a quick 24hr visit. While John worked on some homework, the rest of us went out for dinner and a movie. On Sunday, we had a very nice fondue brunch at the Melting Pot to celebrate Mother's (to be) day. We've gone out to eat numerous times this week and to two movies--I think we know we won't be doing either of those very easily very soon! :) It doesn't look like Cali will be showing up as my Mother's Day present...I think this child is definitely a daddy's girl--she's waiting for him to finish his finals this week.

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