I am now sterilizing all bottles, pacifiers, medication droppers, etc...whatever touches Cali's mouth as part of the action plan to get rid of the yeast. This consists of putting all those objects in a special bag in the microwave for a few minutes. Well, i decided last night to sterilize the nasal aspirator as well. About 3 minutes into it, i thought i smelled something burning. I opened the microwave to some awesome fumes and a black softball size blob that looked like fungus. Ahhh! I rushed it outside and opened every window we have while John rushed Cali to the bedroom to quarantine her. Um yeah, probably not a good idea to microwave rubber. We now have a brand new microwave. :)
The "poor baby" update:
I probably shouldn't have complained about my dairy-free diet, because the gods decided to show me that yes, it could be worse. After doing it for 10 days, Cali still had blood in her stool and was getting diaper rash due to the frequency/consistency of the stool, so we took her back to the doctor. The MD said the fastest way to a happier baby is to now also cut out ALL the other common allergens: nuts, eggs, wheat, citrus, corn, and soy. I guess the logic is that if we cut out one at a time to try and figure out exactly what it is that's causing her intestinal irritation, it would take a 2 week trial of each one. So instead, we go cold turkey on all of them, and when things improve, we can slowly start to re-introduce one at a time. So i threw out or stored away most of the stuff that I had just specially purchased after finding out i had to do non-dairy, and went back to the store to attempt to find foods that didn't contain ANY of the above allergens. Believe me, there aren't many...but i'm NOT complaining, because i'm sure it could be worse! :) After a week of this new diet, we haven't noticed much change. Every day continues to be extremely different. Some days we think Cali is turning a corner, and then the next we struggle to console her. We started her on a reflux medicine as well, but aren't sure that's made much of a difference either. And after another lactation consultation and multiple treatments for the yeast, my pain continues to be a mystery. Overall, there seems to be too many things going on to tease out what's causing what or what's helping what.
But on a happy note, Cali is more alert now, and her times of being happy and awake are increasing. We're having fun watching all her facial expressions and love to watch her smile. She no longer screams through diaper changes, her acne and cradle cap is resolving, and she's starting to coo. The doctor continues to be impressed with how strong she is and how much weight she's gaining (over 10 lbs a week ago).