Hello all. For those of you who don't know me, I am Sienna the Cat. I have stood by long enough and would like my voice to be heard. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, I just want the public to understand what I go through during an average day and how the new addition has affected my lifestyle.
I first wake up at 6am by the automatic food dispenser and sprint from where I had been catching some Zzzzz's, which is usually at the foot of my owner's bed, to binge eat. Typically, I like to eat as much as possible as fast as possible. My goal is to eventually puke up the food and leave a small present for my owners. Then I do a few stretches and may jump up into the window and watch the birds fly by. I usually lounge around either under the bed or on my post until around noon when Cheyenne will graciously dispense a few treats into my food dish. I just love these things, almost as much as Cheyenne loves chocolate! A few naps later, I wake up to the door opening and John coming home from work. I will typically run to the center of the living room carpet and wait for him to pet me. To entice him I will roll around on the floor and expose my belly (mainly because I want that region to receive a good scratching)! If time and space permits, I will cuddle with them on the couch and/or bed. For exercise, I will jump on the top of my post in the living room and chase my tail and suddenly bolt into the bedroom, jump on the bed, turn around, and sprint back to the post and jump on it again. It really gets the heart pumping and, of course, draws attention to me. I will stare out the window from my post until about 9:15pm and then strategically place myself in the living room carpet directly outside the kitchen and stare at the food dispenser until the food arrives--which is 10pm. After my exhausting day, I will run into the bedroom and lay on the bed until my owners go to bed. At this point, I have a battle with John as I usually lay in his spot. To get me to move, he will throw my all-time favorite toy in the world, the twistie-tie, around the room and have me chase it down and do some jumps and dives. Another trick I do is when my owners ask me to "Lay down." Because I do enjoy their company I entertain their pleading commands and do a stop-drop-and-roll maneuver. Silly humans. Once my owners go to bed, I will jump up and cuddle with them and just wait, patiently, for my 6am feeding. Oh, and did I mention I enjoy a good scratching post?
The new 'thing' my owner's brought home is really annoying. First of all, it emits this horrendous high pitched and ear-piercing noise. Secondly, it excretes an awful pollutant; frankly, it is worse than my personal bathroom box. And for those of you who have not visited me, I am weary of visitors and strangers (i.e. Cecelia McConnon--my arch nemesis). Now, before you judge me I would like to say this, it's not you, it's me. I am just particular about those I let into my life; I have trust issues. Therefore, this tiny outsider just bugs me. Sure, every once in a while, I will slowly approach the mysterious human-like creature and sniff it's head, but then sprint the hell out of there. Damn that thing is creepy! Sure, you may say I don't like the new one because I am jealous, but that is just not true. Yes, my owners tend to ignore me more, don't play with me as often, and lately, have been neglecting to clean my personal bathroom box (are they trying to make me smell like the creepy alien baby?). Plus, I hear that when the alien thing gets older, it will pull my hair, ears, and tail -- NOT COOL! Some call cats selfish, I call it self-preservation.
All and all, I have a good life here. The temperature is nice. The food is great. My daily schedule is pretty sweet. Yes, I have my complaints, but don't we all. I do have to say my owners are good people, but I am concerned about them. The new addition seems like it is taking up a lot of their time. Cheyenne is losing weight because of her diet restrictions and lack of time to eat a decent meal. John is gaining weight because he has no time to exercise or eat a healthy meal. Oh well, as long as I keep healthy!
Here are a bunch of photos and videos from the past few days....

Cali loves the DVR.

Cali loves to suck on her fingers (see video below).

Cali loves to pose for the camera (no matter how unflattering or unusual).

Cali loves to feed--I now weigh 9 lbs 1 oz.

Daddy loves to feed Cali.

Cali loves the slide (although this was her first time).

Cali loves to go on stroller rides.
Cali loves to suck her thumb.
Cheyenne will kill me for posting this (if you can't tell, Cali is sleeping in the baby carrier attached to Cheyenne).
Sienna, in the window sill, protecting the family from the birds on the fire escape (listen to her noises and watch her mouth!)
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