A little less apartment time...
and a little more fresh air...
This past week with Cali has had it's ups and downs, but the ups are getting more frequent, so we're thankful for that.
--I (Chey) got out with Cali one day during the week for a stroller ride to visit work friends, grab lunch at Jamba Juice and then eat it in the park
--John coming home early from work on Friday with flowers
--A night out for me with Celia and Sean to see the musical "The King and I" while John had a friend over and watched the baby (who slept the entire time--no fair!)
--Strollering around San Mateo's street fair
--Visiting a co-worker at the hospital who just had a baby...6 lbs felt like a feather (compared to Cali's 12 pounds)!
--2 evenings in a row without any inconsolable screaming attacks
--Passing my National Massage Exam
Cali update:
We saw the GI (gastrointestinal) specialist a week or so ago, but unfortunately, didn't come away with many answers. Because Cali still had blood in her stool despite my diet, he wasn't convinced that it was due to allergies. And because it was a small amount, and she was gaining weight and meeting her developmental goals, he assured us that basically, she would just grow out of it. His advice was to continue to avoid dairy and soy because those are the most common allergens, in case it was due to allergies, but to return to eating the rest of the things I had cut out, mostly for MY sanity. He didn't think the blood in the stool necessarily caused any pain (not sure how he came up with that conclusion...did he poll 1000 babies and ask them?!) and thought her screaming attacks were just "colic" which she would also grow out of (between 3 and 9 months--please pray for 3!) The whole colic diagnosis doesn't make sense to me--my only conclusion about it is that the medical world doesn't really understand it either...but anyway...
What Cali's been up to:
--Smiling and "talking" with us lots
--Sitting up (while supported) and holding her head up on her own
--Rolling from her tummy to her side...once.
--Almost consistently sleeping one 6 hour stretch/night followed by one or two 2-3 hour stretches
--TRYING, relentlessly, to figure out her hand in her mouth
--Beginning to enjoy baths
Love the pictures! It's great to see her smiling. :o) Can't wait to see it in person. Cheyenne- is Cali's hair coming in strawberry blonde?! It looks a little reddish in her photos! Hugs to all three of you!
It does look a little reddish--multiple people have said that. I don't know if it's just a combo of blonde and brown that makes it look red?..we don't have any red heads in our family, so I don't know where she'd be getting that from. Hope to talk to you soon...i went WAY over our minutes last month, so i've been on a phone hiatus...hope Aveya is feeling better and you get a good game plan from the ENT!
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