Life is good this morning. Cali slept 8 hours last night. Wait...what??! Um, yeah. She has never slept more than 4 hours...never...and then she slept from 9pm to 5am last night. I'm almost worried about her, but she seems ok. I however, feel like a new person today :)
Here are some pics from the last week:

Cali's first fireworks from our rooftop

Check out this belly and her chubby cheeks!

Our peanut

Awww...love the smiles

Cali's first Canasta game with Celia and Sean. She was the girls' good luck charm because we won after a long streak of losing!
The Cali update: The day we left for WI we had a pediatrician appointment. When the doctor came in the room, both Cali and I were crying. She had been screaming for the past 48 hours and still had blood in her stool despite my allergen free diet, and I didn't know what to do, and I was scared to death to take her on a plane that evening! The doctor said it was time to try hypoallergenic formula for a week to give my body adequate time to get rid of all the allergens in my system before returning to breastfeeding, and to get some blood/stool work done and see a GI specialist to see if we were missing anything. I also had a doctor appointment that day, where they confirmed that I had thrush and we decided to refill my prescriptions and add one for the baby too. Needless to say, it was a hectic day before we left for WI that night. John had to come home from work to help me. Cali was such a trooper though, she took the formula no problem, and then slept the entire flight. For the first few days in WI, we thought she was a new baby and that we had found our cure--she was an angel!, but unfortunately, it didn't last. Overall though, her screaming was less intense and frequent, and there was no blood in her stool. When we saw the pediatrician again, she said we had likely fixed the allergy issue, but we still just had a "collicky" baby. Since then, I have returned to breastfeeding, and her stool does look better than when I was breastfeeding before, but still a little suspicious, so we're keeping an eye on that.
I love the Life is Good outfit. I have some for Aveya too! We'll have to coordinate outfits the next time you're in WI. We're glad to hear Cali is doing better. Yay for sleep! Hugs and Love!!
Hi Cheyenne,
I am Vicki Budzisz's daughter, co-worker of your mom. I hope you don't mind, but my mom send me the link to your blog. Cali is just beautiful! :)
I was reading your blog and I see that you had thrush. I too have been suffering with thrush and I was wondering what they ended up putting you on, how long you were on it, and if it worked at all? My 6 week old daughter, Hope, and I have been struggling with it for the past 3 weeks. I'd love to talk to another mom that has experienced this as well. There has to be a light at the end of the tunnel! If you have time to e-mail me, budziscl@yahoo.com I'd love to hear from you!
Chelsea Malueg
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