First, here are a few of our favorite Cali photos from the last couple weeks...

Her new Bumbo seat--we bought this when Cali decided she's too much of a big girl to sit reclined. She developed a 6 pack from doing sit-ups from her bouncer and car seat :) Here she is helping daddy make muffins.

Aww--thanks for the cute outfit Michelle! And love the rolls--our 4 mo old is 15lbs!

Cali and her CA BFF--hanging out at a coworker's daughter's bday party in the park

For weeks, probably even months, we've been trying to catch Cali's pouty face on camera and this is the closest we've gotten. The real one is cuter than this. We've also been trying to catch her giggling on video, but she gets too distracted by the camera--we'll keep trying though, it's priceless
And here are some Lake Tahoe photos--we joined Sean's 30th bday party crowd (over 20 of us). The weekend had it's ups and downs--again, Cali had some anxiety issues with the new environment and new faces, but we managed to have some fun too.

Poor Sean--his bday wish was to spend the weekend on the boat we all rented, but on the first trip out, it broke down, and didn't get fixed until we were all packing up the last day.

Paddling and towing the boat back to shore :(

Hanging on the beach

The house we rented

Playing ladderball with Cali

One of the many stroller rides we took--beautiful scenery!

John gave me a couple gifts that weekend--watching Cali while I watched the fireworks over the lake for Labor Day, and while Celia and I went parasailing!

I'm slowly conquering my fear of heights--next on the bucket list--skydiving for my 30th!

The view from 800ft above the lake--gorgeous.

And a Tahoe sunset
I love the pouty face! That dress and hat look adorable on her. How'd Cali do at ladderball?
PS- Cheyenne- you in the bikini with a 4 month old = impressive. :o)
thanks michelle, but i'd rather have my dairy weight back if it meant i could eat real chocolate, cheese, and milk...oh how i miss them :)
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