Sunday, September 27, 2009

Talking, toys, and talents

Well, daddy's officially done with his paternity leave now. It was some great bonding time for the two of them, but he's decided being a stay-at-home dad is not in his future. He's looking forward to going back to work tomorrow! And that means Cali's off to daycare tomorrow--wish us all luck!- mommy may have an anxiety attack.
Smiling at mommy
If Cali balances on her chubby tummy, she can actually sit up unsupported for a short amount of time (not exactly shown here)
Learning to cook
New toy-the exersaucer, and the parrot stare down
Her new favorite pastime--watching the cars go by
Cali's inherited monkey toes
Enjoying kisses from the giraffe
The before mentioned refusal to sit reclined. Did I mention that before we realized she was doing this John came into my work one day and said, "Cali may have a head injury." I said, "WHAT?" John said, "yeah, i heard her crying and when i went to get her, she was face planted in the carpet... but she's been acting fine." Needless to say, we've been strapping her in since.
Thanks for the blanket great-grandma!
Cali's hands or toys are now constantly in her mouth
Picnic in San Fran
And here are a couple videos...the first is one of daddy's games (listen carefully to the end and you can hear Cali mimic him)...and the second is Cali babbling

1 comment:

Patrick and Betsy said...

Oh, how I love the Bumbo chair! Cali looks so cute in it & it looks like she likes it! As an added bonus, I think it will be difficult for her to get a head injury from it.